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It was just over a month ago that our U12 team travelled to Italy to experience playing baseball on a real baseball field, with clay along the baselines and around each base, with dugouts, bullpens, batter’s boxes on each side of home plate, a home run fence in the outfield and bleachers behind home plate, things that are taken for granted by everyone who plays baseball around the world except for us.

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Our boys and girls also experienced playing against Italian teams who compete in their domestic league, considered to be the best in Europe, playing competitive games every weekend. Our players were not daunted by their opposition. They battled until the end earning the respect of their opponents. When playing coach-pitch games that our players are familiar with, the Redcoats were as good as, or better than, the three Italian teams they faced. The players had great reason to be proud of themselves at the end. They did exceptionally well. Their behaviour was nothing short of exemplary. They were outstanding ambassadors for Gozo doing their best to promote their beautiful island abroad.

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The Ghajnsielem Redcoats came a long way over the past ten years, starting out with nothing. The growth of the Club would not have been possible if it was not for the continuous support received from the Ministry for Gozo. This trip to Italy is another example of the help that the Club receives. Financial assistance from the Ministry for Gozo through the Promotion of Sports Initiatives and Facilities Scheme 2022 made it possible for the Redcoats to travel and play baseball and softball abroad. The success achieved during this trip should make future participation abroad possible through further cooperation with the Ministry for Gozo.

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